82 Market Street, Camana Bay, info@caymanmusicschool.com, 9383838
Student Application Form and Enrolment Agreement
- New students are required to fill out Application Form and attach non-refundable CI$25 application fee.
- Students need to purchase books and course materials when required.
- The student and the teacher have to make an agreement before entering any examinations, competitions and public performances.
- If a change of instructor is recommended by the instructor or desired by the student or parent, the matter will be resolved by the Director.
- Students are asked to arrive and be picked up on time. The school accepts responsibility for the safety of students once they are under the teacher’s supervision in the classroom only.
- Parent/ guardians will be charged for any damages incurred to the premises by the student.
- Tuition payment reserves the space for you/your child in school. All fees must be paid in advance before lessons start. The lessons will not be commenced if the payment is not received.
- Payment is acceptable per term – three equal payments per year and due: 1st September (term 1), 1st January (term 2) and 1st April (term 3). A late fee of $50.00 will be charged on the 20th of the month, if tuition fees are not paid by then.
- Monthly payment plan can be arranged upon written request – ten equal payments per year regardless of the number of lessons in the month or vacation and holiday closures; the fees for first and last month must be paid in full in advance.
- 5% discounts apply to second-instrument-lessons taken by single student and lessons taken by an additional student from the same family, 10% discount is offered to the third student from the same family. There are no discounts for group classes and for adult lessons.
- Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the school
- Payment options: online (preferred) through Butterfield (to North International Group t/a Cayman Music School) or Cayman National, wire transfer, cheque (payable to Cayman Music School), debit/credit card or cash (accompanied by payment slip and given directly to the school administrator or secretary).
- An additional charge of $40 will be applied for returned cheque. Once the check is returned, payment will be acceptable by cash, wire transfer or online transaction.
Missed Lessons
- Missed lessons will not be refunded or rescheduled. Cayman Music School assumes no obligation to make up lessons missed due to student absences.
- All lessons cancelled by teacher will be rescheduled or given by substitute teacher.
- Lessons which fall on a public holiday will NOT be rescheduled. The credit request in writing may be submitted within two weeks of the Holiday.
- Lessons missed due Hurricanes, Acts of Nature or exceptional circumstances beyond the control of Cayman Music School will not be rescheduled or refunded.
- Students may be withdrawn from lessons after giving one-month notice in writing or email. Full month tuition payment will be required within the 30 day notice period. Tuitions will be provided during this time.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time due to frequent absences, disciplinary reasons, or noncompliance with Cayman Music School policies. Tuition fees will not be refunded.
- Should student’s account become in default, the parents/guardians will be responsible for the attorney fees, court and collection costs.